JBL 4428 review

Reggae recordings burst through the 4429, electric guitars' immediacy was likewise liberated by these speakers.Radiohead's Amnesiac was brimming with texture over the 4429, but switching over to the S3900 everything got better. I found I could play the 4429s louder than I normally would, the high volume didn't make me wince.I was surprised to hear that even with heavily-compressed rock recordings like Spoon's Hot Thoughts, the music sounded better than ever. Price engine. Its acoustic design includes a 19mm titanium diaphragm, ultra-high frequency compression driver (138Nd), which joins an improved 50mm titanium diaphragm high frequency compression driver (175Nd-3) in a one-piece SonoGlass horn system.Built for high sensitivity (91dB (2.83V/1m)) and high (200W) power handling, the 4429 is available in walnut veneer, the 4429 system includes front mounted MF and HF attenuators and dual gold-plated five-way binding posts.Price for the 4367 is £11800 and, for the 4429, £5800.To learn more, call 01423 358846 or click  I’ve been a journalist and editor for 30 years and still retain my good humour. At the Harman Store the L100 Classic sounded more tonally saturated, more fleshed out and bolder. Not just loud drumming, the nuance of a cymbal shimmer or the tautness of the head of a tom-tom: the S3900 puts you in touch with those sounds.With Robert Plant and Alison Krauss's brilliant Raising Sand, the S3900 has me rethinking the sound of that album. JBL Model 4429 stereo loudspeakers System Talk about eschewing styling norms; the JBL Model 4429 Studio Monitor speakers look a great deal like many of the loudspeakers made in the 1970s. The 4429 and S3900 are extraordinary speakers, they can humble many far-more-expensive audiophile speakers in terms of dynamics and "feel it in your gut" realism. Meanwhile check out my favorite (horn) speaker of 2018, the Be respectful, keep it civil and stay on topic. Who’d have thought? Minh Audio 0914882012 299,489 views 4428, Passive Monitor from JBL. Trumpets and other brass instruments really come alive on horn speakers, you haven't lived until you hear Miles Davis over a decent pair of horns. Drums impact and shading of dynamics are superior over the S3900.

The 4429 and S3900 play loud with ease, but they also excel at more sedate, late-night listening volume. The best box speakers are smoother sounding, with flatter frequency response, punchier bass and their treble may be less aggressive than the horns I've heard. It's a much bigger and taller speaker, the tonal balance warmed up, the treble was clearer and more refined, the sound moved a few steps over to a more audiophile oriented flavor. Designed & Developed by By using this website you agree to accept our Hàng hót jbl S3900 mới 100% chưa sử dụng và pre pow acuuphase c245 p450 tại minh audio - Duration: 7:40. Hearing those two singers pushing each other is a real thrill, and I never felt that way before! The new JBL 4429 incorporates a number of improvements over the 4425 and its successors. Box speaker imaging is also superior, and better focused.I'll have more to say about horn speakers in different price ranges when I cover more horns in 2019, stay tuned. It's also a ported design, and impedance is rated at 6 ohms. The 4425 was the first JBL design to combine a compression-driver and Bi-Radial horn with a large-format woofer. © 2015 - Solo Pine. JBL; 4428; Reviews + JBL 4428.

There's more body to the sound, which I liked a lot. Classified Ads. The momentum came through more completely. It's a ported design, and impedance is rated at 6 ohms. The 25 by 15.75 by 12-inch (633 by 400 by 300mm) cabinet is made from 1-inch thick medium density fiberboard. His expressive trumpet over the S3900 was a huge leap in breaking the sound reality barrier! The 39 by 14.6 by 14.5 inch (1000 by 370 by 368mm) cherry veneered cabinet is made from 1-inch thick medium density fiberboard. Its heavy-duty dual binding posts allow bi-amping or bi-wiring while its 94dB sensitivity and 6 Ohm impedance enable the 4367 to be driven to generous volume levels by up to 300W.Available in a choice of walnut or black walnut finishes, the JBL 4367 can be used in 2-channel systems as well as JBL Synthesis applications in a 2.2 configuration with S2S-EX subwoofers or in an LCR configuration as part of a complete JBL Synthesis theatre.The JBL 4429 system is a wholly updated version of the company’s 4425 studio monitor, introduced in 1985.

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